Friday, February 18, 2011

Divine Nature Value Experience 1

This is my first test to see if the PDF upload is working. Here is a little handout we made for Divine Nature value experience #1. This is one of those that's great to do at a mutual night because you can get everything done in one night.  BUT, what do you do with the girls who don't finish, and what about the girls who weren't there.  This is a great handout, with everything right there for the girls to quickly check and be sure they finish before Personal Progress interviews.  This will also be included in our "Things to work on" basket. 

They print four to a page, best to use cardstock for stability of the bookmark.

If you would like the PDF version of the file please click the link below.  I use scripd to upload the PDF, so don't be alarmed when you navigate to their website.  It's all good! :)

Divine Nature Value Exp 1 Bookmarks


  1. I saw your link to this blog on the LDS yahoo group board! I am so excited to have found it.. as a new PP leader these handouts and activity ideas are SO wonderful for you to share! I just tried to download these from SCRIBD and it is trying to charge me a 5 dollar one time use fee or a 9 a month fee.. is there any way you can send me these cute book marks? If so here is my email

  2. Do you no longer have these available? When I go to the download link, there is nothing there!

  3. I love your PP handouts. I would like to use them for my girls, but when I try to download them it takes me to SCRIBD and it wants me to pay a fee. Is there anyway you would be able to email me your handouts for all of your PP?
